Is it possible to randomize/create 3 unique versions of a survey? | XM Community
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I know this question is a little complicated so bear with me: I'm doing an experiment that involves participants reading three different passages (1,2,3) with each being either unbolded (U), semantically bolded (S), or the fixation points bolded (F). I don't want participants to read the same passage more than once, and I also don't want participants to read the same style of bolding more than once, so I have three possible combinations to work with here: 1. (1U, 2S, 3F) 2. (1S, 2F, 3U) 3. (1F, 2U, 3S). How do I make it so that participants are randomly assigned one of these three subsets of passages when completing the survey?

There is an easier way to do this have those 3 subsets in separate blocks as desired ( 1. (1U, 2S, 3F) 2. (1S, 2F, 3U) 3. (1F, 2U, 3S). ). Have a random number generated from 1-3 and then have branch logic based on each number as you can see in the image below. Each participant will see a different block based on the random number.
image.pngHope it helps!

That's a wonderful solution for this use case Deepak! Thank you so much Phalanx123 for confirming that the solution works! 🙂

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