Is there a way to Carry Forward responses for multiple questions? | XM Community
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Is there a way to Carry Forward responses for multiple questions?

  • 14 July 2022
  • 5 replies

I have a survey that will have different selections available based on the date selected. I then want to pass those selections on to a dropdown menu question.
Here's my example:
User selects a date from a dropdown menu which then presents a multiple select question.
Question 1: Date options:
Thursday July 14 (display question 2)
Thursday July 21 (display question 3)
Question 2 Resulting multiple select options: Apples, Bananas, Cherries, Dates,Figs
Question 3 Resulting multiple select options: Goji, Lemons, Mango, Orange, Pears
In Question 4, the user should be presented with a dropdown menu that presents only the responses they selected in question 2 or 3:

  • If the user selects July 14 and then selects Apples and Cherries in question 2 the dropdown menu for Question 4 should present them with Apples and Cherries

  • If the user selects July 21 and then selects Lemons and Oranges in question 2 the dropdown menu for Question 4 should present them with Lemons and Oranges

It does not appear that Carry Forward will work in this scenario. Any ideas how I can get around it?
Thanks you for your assistance.

You are correct, carry forward will not meet this need because it relies on a single question / criteria as the carry forward option.
You would want to create the follow up question to include all of the potential responses, and then apply response-level display logic to determine which combination(s) of prior responses would cause it to be presented.
image.pngI am almost sure there is a product enhancement idea to allow multiple selections from a single question (not sure if multiple questions) is in Product Ideas section (if I can find it I will post the link here so you can upvote it).

Thank you CarolK. The Add Display Logic option won't work because the list would be hundreds of entries which would be too many options at one time to skim through. I'll check the Product Ideas section.

alealbright You can do this simply by
First, use Multiple Choice in List Format => Add display logics to your choices of ( Q4 in your case), now change the format to Dropdown.

This idea is now available for voting:

Thank you CarolK. The Add Display Logic option won't work because the list would be hundreds of entries which would be too many options at one time to skim through. I'll check the Product Ideas section.

Hi @alealbright ,

I have the same requirement. Also the display logic on the individual answer choices won’t work for me because it also concerns hundreds of entries. 

Was this product idea ever implemented, or have you found another way to set this up?

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