Is there a way to keep the answers for the next participation? | XM Community
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I need to create a survey with several sections (Section A, B, C, D, E and F) and I only want the answers to be saved once sections A, B and C are filled in and the same answers will be valid until a second change.
When another participant started the survey, I'm planning to ask, "Is there a change in sections A, B, and C?" question and make changes with the "Yes" option (if any). Since all answers will be saved beforehand, the participant will only change the relevant part but If there is no change, I plan to go to section D, E and F, respectively.
Do I have a chance to create a survey where I can progress by recording the answers as I mentioned above? Just knowing that Qualtrics has the option to save answers until next participation may be enough for me.
Thanks a lot for your help.

Please elaborate your case study as in how you are distributing the survey.
Also, this is possible if we create a web service which will maintain the responseId of the responses that answered first three sections.

Hi Rondev,
Thank you for your prompt answer. I can briefly summarize it as follows without bogging you into the details.
Survey will consist of six sections. Participants have to participate in the survey on a daily basis and they have to fill all the parts. The data entered for the first three sections of the survey rarely varies. Sometimes responses are same for a few months.
My aim is to record the answers they gave for these three sections without tiring the participants and to save time for them. Thus, if there is no change in the first three sections, the participant will directly fill in the other parts and complete the survey.
All I need is to save the answers given in the past and change them if needed without wasting time. I've been searching for a long time but couldn't find any solution. It would be great if Qualtrics had such a feature. If not, no problem.
Thanks once again for your answer and support.

I solved the problem by selecting 'Default choices' at left side of the menu bar.

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