Is there a way to modify submitted result answer via API | XM Community
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I see that there is a way to pass metadata into the result and update it but can't seems to find the way how to update answer data via API. Is this possible? 

@artem.alekhin The update response API does unfortunately only allow to update embedded data. You can not change the answer values to specific questions with it. I do not know any other API which would help here.

May I ask for the business case to see if there is any workaround?

I had a similar requirement some time ago as we had a contact block included which collected personal data. If the customer decided to stay anonymous at the end, we wanted to clear those answers via API. Our workaround, however, was to just only ask for this data after the confidentialy question. Another workaround would have been to store the answers in some embedded data fields and clear the actual inputs with JavaScript when the page was submitted.

@chackbusch Yes, we do have an integration with Qualtrics. You may have seen in other discussions that we provide an AI-powered audio recorder widget, Voiceform. Currently, our data is mapped to the response metadata, but we would like to associate the data with specific answers to make it easier for users to analyze later.


Is there a way to set variables via API so that they can be used within the dashboard for better data analysis?

@artem.alekhin I am not 100% sure what you mean with the response metadata. If we want to set custom fields for a response, this is known as embedded data. You could define any embedded data fields via the API. Embedded data can be used well in dashboards but it is also something different than the question‘s actual answer values. Some dashboard widgets may be developed to work based on the specific question/answer structure. Embedded data can be mapped for usage in dashboards.

@chackbusch Could you please share some materials on how embedded data can be used with dashboards and analysis? Ideally, we want to associate the data with specific question IDs rather than just the overall response.

@artem.alekhin Mhhh, dashboard design is quite an extensive topic… 

Could you provide more details on how you want to connect a question and what you want to show in the dashboard? Some specific example would be good.

@chackbusch  let’s assume i have 2 empty/description questions with ids q1 and q2 and another 2 multiple choice questions q3 and q4 . 

In q1 and q2 i’ve used external widget to collect answers. After the response was submitted external provider sets embedded data associated the response by using API.

My response embedded data will look something like this:

"q1": "Answer 1",
"q2": "Answer 2",

So at this point i need a dashboard that for q1 and q2 it would always use embedded data mapped by question id and for q3 and q4 it would use standard answer data.


  q1 q2 q3 q4
response Answer 1 (from embedded data) Answer 2 (from embedded data) Answer 3 (form answer data) Answer 4 (from answer data)


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