Is there a way to see in the data the problematic items for participants? | XM Community
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I have recently conducted a study on Qualtrics. My study assesses the effectiveness of two different instruction types on the learning of grammar. I want to revise the materials of my study before I do another round of data collection. But I would like to know first what items were problematic for learners (i.e., the ones on which they performed poorly as measured by 0 in my case) so that I can isolate and revise those.
Is there a way to know what items received the lowest scores (0 in my case) in the data and analysis tab or the results tab?
Thank you,

Hi alioudosdiallo ,
Can you describe what kinds of questions you used in your survey, or share a screen shot of the questions? That might help the Community members suggest the right approach in your case.

Hi MatthewM ,
Thank you for your response. I have attached a screenshot here. In it, you can see the ID column, which is the question number, and the column that I circled is the score column. I would like to determine the most accurate and least accurate scores.
Thank you,

I may not understand the survey questions completely, but you might look at summarizing these fields in the Reports tab to find out which items in the study had the highest and lowest accuracy.

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