Is there a way to use a logic command in a side-by-side matrix for a combined answer for 2 columns? | XM Community
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Hello dear Qualtrics community,
I put a side-by-side matrix with two columns in my survey in order to be able to (primarily visually) separate a 4-point Likert scale from the additional option "Unable to assess relevance". I want participants to EITHER choose one of the four Likert scale responses OR the "unable to assess relevance" option, but somehow I don't find a possibility to link these answers by a logic command and cannot use the exclusive option, since this is not a text entry format and I basically have two side-by-side questions in this matrix table.
My options so far: I've decided to set the "unable to assess relevance" answer option to Multiple Choice and the Likert scale to Single Choice, but this means that one can still answer both questions/push two answer buttons. If I use Multiple Choice in both columns one can push every button and potentially give 5 answers instead.
Please has someone an idea how to solve my problem? I'm also thinking about merging the two columns to one and then somehow separating this one answer option, but I would prefer to keep the side-by-side matrix very much.
Thanks for your help and support in advance!😊

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