Is there a way to use display logic based on email in more than one contact list? | XM Community
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Hi, I have three contact lists. In the survey, I will ask participants for their emails. I would like to show a block to those whose email is in the first contact list, another block to those whose email is in the second contact list, and the final block to those whose email is in the third contact list. Is there a way to do this? Thank you! 

Hello TiCi
You can add one additional embedded data to all the email addresses in each of the contact lists, for e.g. List1=Yes, List2=Yes, List3=Yes for all contacts. After which you can add embedded data in survey flow from each contact list and have a survey flow branch logic to show each block only if the respective embedded data is True.
Hope this helps!

Hello Deepak,
Thank you, but it is still not working.
I have added in each contact list and in the survey flow the embedded data. But, still, when I insert the email to check whether it works it skips directly to the end of the survey.

Hello TiCi
The next best option here is to use authenticator for those 3 lists in survey flow and include a survey flow logic to check it in all 3
If found in one assign an embedded data and based on that you can show a specific block.

Hope this helps!

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