Is there a workaround to schedule survey reminders at regular intervals? | XM Community
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We're trying to find a way to schedule reminders for survey completion at regular intervals, say every 3 days for a month. It seems the only option is to schedule each reminder individually. Is there a workaround for this?

Naomi1 If you use Qualtrics automation instead of manual distribution, then you will have the capability to automate reminder scheduling. For the moment since you're using manual distribution, each distribution will be required to set up reminders individually.

Aanurag_QC Thanks-- I spoke with a support person who said that although the automation page makes it look like you could set automatic, regular reminders, you actually still have to set each reminder separately. I haven't used the the automation yet, they said it was fairly complex to get set up and wouldn't do what I wanted it to (one survey to one set of respondents, with repeated, automated, regular reminders to those of that group who have not completed the survey). Do you feel there is a way to do this with the distribution automation?

I feel you should be able to make use of the automation to complete this setup. Automations are available in order to automate such use cases

Aanurag_QC thanks for your help-- turns out we have XM D Light, so don't have functionality of automation distribution, but I appreciate your response!

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