Is there actually a soft-limit of 100 questions in Qualtrics surveys? | XM Community
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Qualtrics support recently told us, "...we recommend keeping all surveys below 100 questions for best functionality."
Other survey software easily handles surveys that contain thousands of questions; this is common where there is a lot of branching logic - the subject typically sees just a fraction of all the questions in a single session.
Can someone at Qualtrics tell us if this 100 question soft-limit is for real?

There isn't any such limit of 100 questions per say but as a best practice. You can consider following things.

  1. Max time to take a survey under 10 min

  2. Less than 100 questions keeps in check all the logics are correct and less human error chances. Less open-ended questions etc.

Hence, Qualtrics suggests that keep it below 100. That doesn't mean you will face difficulty in 101th or questions ahead of it. But it will load better, easier to make changes and easier to navigate.
Hope it helps!

Qualtrics provided the guidance i.e., to try to limit the survey to 100 questions, in order to get our survey working again.
Based on my experience with other survey products (e.g., Redcap) there is no performance degradation even on the order of thousands of questions. In other words, performance isn't a function of the number of questions in other systems. Apparently, according to Support, Qualtrics differs somehow in this detail - I am not sure how or why.
You wrote, "Less than 100 questions keeps in check all the logics are correct and less human error chances. Less open-ended questions etc."
Logic errors and human error are a result of the quality of the work done by the person who built the logic and conceived the questions. I don't think there is anything magical about "Less than 100 questions" that would have any bearing on the quality of the work being done or even the error rate.
Thanks for offering guidance on this.

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