Is there any way to provide the default choices for a lot of questions at once? | XM Community
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I have a use-case where I would like to design a survey to get labels for sentence-annotation. So - given a sentence/question, I would like to get the correct annotation for that and track the time it took the survey taker on that question/sentence.
Since Qualtrics does not have a Tagging = "Highlight + Text Entry" option, I thought that the best way for this survey is to design a Text Entry question that is single line and has a default choice which is the same as the Question.
Q) How is you ?
Text Entry Box Deafult Choice: "How is you ?"
So the Default Answer choice is the same as the Question. Now an annotator can make a correction and then submit. I have been trying to use the Simple/Advanced TXT to import the default choice text but I don't think there is an option for that. It is not possible for me to go through 100-1000 questions and manually copy paste the question into the default-choice! Neither, to write individual code for each question block. Plus, it seems if I want to know the time taken by someone on each question, I have to add a Timer block manually to each question? This is kind of a hassle as well.
Is there ANY way to do this automatically? Or - maybe another survey question type/format that could help me accomplish my goal of getting sentence edits and track time taken on each question?

Have you considering using a loop & merge block? It would make it easy to paste your questions into the loop & merge setup, pipe the loop & merge field into your question text and as a default answer to you text entry question, and add a timing question only once.

TomG Wow! If that can be done so easily, that would be perfect! I checked the docs and the example for loop and merge but I don't understand how to exactly do this. Especially the copying Questions part?
Should I first create a Simple/Advanced TXT document with 1 block and multiple questions with its supporting Text Entry Answer box?
Or - should I first create a blank block and then copy the questions manually?
Sorry - A little confused as I haven't used this approach before. If you could expand or point me towards an example that could help me do this? That would be super helpful! I understand your original post correctly, you have a number of text entry questions where the question text is variable and you want the default answer to be the question text. You want to time the response to each question. If that is correct, you would:

  1. Create a block, turn on loop & merge, paste your questions into field 1 (copy all your questions, separated by line breaks into loop 1, field 1)

  2. Add a text entry question to the block. The question text will be ${lm://Field/1}. The default answer will also be ${lm://Field/1}.

  3. Add a timing question to the block.

TomG OMG! You are my hero! :)) Thankyou so much! That seems to work really nicely!
So - since I am copy-pasting the question in the loop manually, I lose all information about automatic Question_ID. Is there any option to run a little bit of Javascript magic on this loop-and-merge?
Everything else is perfect! I was just hoping I could have the Question_ID in the Question and remove that in the Default Choice? Something Like:
ID_10__: This is the question.
Default Choice : This is the question.

If I could do a .split("__: ") and select the [1] index for Default Choice?

You could paste the id into field 2. Then your question text would be:
${lm://Field/2}: ${lm://Field/1}

TomG This should've worked perfectly but somehow I am not able to capture this information when I export the results in TSV/CSV!
Example let's say:
Question-Field1 = A B C D E F
ID-Field 2 = ID_1
Using your approach above - It shows on screen like:
ID_1 : A B C D E F
(Text Entry) A B C D E F
But the results in the CSV have information like:
A B C D E F - [Field-2]: [Field-1]

Where - Q6 is the name of my Text Entry Question. "A B C D E F" is the Question. and the last " A B C D E F" is the answer submitted. It did not track or store the "ID_1" I added. Abyway to store this information as well?

The loop number (i.e., the 1 in 1_Q6) will always correspond to the IDs in field 2 (e.g., ID_1). So, if your ids are sequentially numbered it is redundant.
I haven't checked in a while, but it used to be that you could put the loop & merge field in the Question tag (e.g., ${lm://Field/2}) and it would be piped into the data if you downloaded a specific way. My memory is fuzzy on that.

TomG Ahhh.. Perfect. Thanks!

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