Javascript Calculation didn't Work for First-time Appearance | XM Community
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Hi, I have calculations in my JavaScript code not working when the first time I visit the page. But when I revisit the page by hitting “Back” or “Next” and coming back to the page, the calculations results will appear. I attached two screenshots, one is what it looks like when I visit the page first time, one is what it looks like when I revisit the page. Could someone help me figure out the potential issues and solutions? Thank you so much!


Here is my interface:

Round 1 Feedback

Investment return this round: ${e://Field/investment_return_this_round}

Investment return based on your own strategy this round: ${e://Field/investment_return_own_strategy}

Investment return based on AI-suggested strategy this round: ${e://Field/investment_return_ai_strategy}


Here is my JavaScript:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

    // Retrieve input values for Decision1, Decision2_1, and Decision2_2

    var decision1 = parseFloat("${q://QID1453/ChoiceTextEntryValue}");

    var decision2_1 = parseFloat("${q://QID1492/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}");

    var decision2_2 = parseFloat("${q://QID1492/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}");


    // Initialize variables for investment returns

    var investmentReturnThisRound, investmentReturnOwnStrategy, investmentReturnAIStrategy;


    // Calculate "Investment return this round" with conditional logic

    if (decision1 === 100) {

        investmentReturnThisRound = round(

            decision1 * 0.8306 * 0 +

            decision1 * 1.0028 * 1,


        ) + "%";

    } else if (!isNaN(decision1) && !isNaN(decision2_1) && !isNaN(decision2_2)) {

        investmentReturnThisRound = round(

            decision1 * 0.8306 * 0 +

            decision1 * 1.0028 * 1 +

            (decision2_1 * 0.8306) +

            (decision2_2 * 1.0028),


        ) + "%";

    } else {

        investmentReturnThisRound = "Invalid Input"; // Handle invalid cases



    // Calculate "Investment return based on your own strategy this round"

    if (decision1 === 100) {

        investmentReturnOwnStrategy = "N/A"; // Show "N/A" when decision1 equals 100

    } else if (!isNaN(decision1) && !isNaN(decision2_1) && !isNaN(decision2_2)) {

        investmentReturnOwnStrategy = round(

            100 * ((decision2_1 / (100 - decision1)) * 0.8306) +

            100 * ((decision2_2 / (100 - decision1)) * 1.0028),


        ) + "%";

    } else {

        investmentReturnOwnStrategy = "Invalid Input"; // Handle invalid cases



    // Calculate "Investment return based on AI-suggested strategy"

    investmentReturnAIStrategy = round(

        (0.8306 * 0 * 100) + (1.0028 * 1 * 100),


    ) + "%";


    // Set Embedded Data for displaying values in the survey

    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("investment_return_this_round", investmentReturnThisRound);

    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("investment_return_own_strategy", investmentReturnOwnStrategy);

    Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("investment_return_ai_strategy", investmentReturnAIStrategy);


    // Helper function for rounding numbers

    function round(value, decimals) {

        return Number(Math.round(value + "e" + decimals) + "e-" + decimals);




First time visit this page
Calculation works when I revisit the page


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