Let user take survey multiple times and copy some fields to subsequent surveys? | XM Community
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I have a survey that allows parents to sign up their kids for an after-school program. I want them to fill out a form for each of their children, but to avoid having the parent input their contact information multiple times, I’d like to add a question at the end that would trigger them completing the form a subsequent time and embed/carry forward their parent contact info to the new survey instance and just ask them about their child’s details. This form will be distributed via anonymous links on our website.

How can I do this?

Hi @Lauren_Hitchcock ,


You could consider using loop & merge to repeat certain questions (for example, child information) based on how many kids they wish to sign up in one survey instead of taking a survey multiple times for each of their children.

More information: Loop & Merge (qualtrics.com)

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