Linking two qualtrics pages | XM Community
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Hi everyone,
Please could you help. I have a qualtrics survey that will have the usual link and a QR code for access. On the information sheet for this survey, we have a link to another qualtrics page which has a little more information about the survey (E.g., how it was developed etc). On this second qualtrics page I want to link back to the original survey - so if anyone wants to take part, they can. Is there a way to do this. I know I can embed the links but feel like I’m in a chicken / egg situation where if I finalise them survey and publish, I then need to add that link into the second info qualtrics page which results in the survey needing to be updated.
can anyone advise?
thanks in advance

Honor why do these have to be two separate surveys? I would recommend the following:
Make the first page of your survey the 'qualtrics page which has a little more information about the survey.' Change this into a question where the two response options are (1) Continue to Survey and (2) Opt-out/Quit whatever wording makes sense for you.
Then in a new block start your survey. Your survey flow would then have

  1. Embedded data field for "Source"

  2. Branching logic: If Source = more then embeded #3 & #4 under this branching logic

  3. Block 1: more information about the survey

  4. Branching logic: If question in block 1 = Opt-out/Quit it goes to an End of Survey message

  5. Block 2: starts the body of your survey

For distribution, you can still use the usual link and QR code (anonymous links) for distribution. For the link for more information you would use anonymous link and append "&Source=more" at the end. That will allow all of this to stay in one place and not go back and forth on worrying about updated links or publishing changes in more than one Qualtrics project.

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