Logic based on numeric value? | XM Community
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Hello. I am wanting to display a number of fields for a follow-up question that depend on the previous numeric value response. Is there a way to achieve this?
Question 1 ~ How many individuals in your home have "X"?
Response 1 ~ Numeric value

Question 2 ~ What is the characteristic 1, characteristic 2, characteristic 3, and characteristic 4 of each of those individuals with "X"?
Response 2
Characteristic 1 _____"Numeric value"
Characteristic 2 ____ "Sex category"
Characteristic 3 ---- "Text entry"
Characteristic 4 ---- "Text entry"

Response 2 would be displayed for the number entered in Response 1.
So, if the respondent entered "3" - then 3 Response (tables?) would be displayed.

Question 3 and 4 would also be logically connected to the Response 1 value, with options to provide details for each individual, for the total number of individuals entered as Response 1.

Could you please help me with this design/question set-up?
Thank you!

Hi rebeccab ,
Have you looked into Loop & Merge based on a number?

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