Loop and merge? Best option. | XM Community
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Hi there,
I have 97 images that I need to pair with a matrix table and a slider question. I need 30 images of the 97 to be presented to each participant randomly and evenly. I know I can achieve this by making a block for each of the 97 images with the matrix table and slider in it and then organizing how it is presented in the survey flow, but I am wondering if there is an easier way--maybe with loop and merge? Has anyone done this before?

Yes, you should use loop & merge in conjunction with a hidden question:

  1. Add a multiple choice question before your loop and merge block. The choices can be 1 to 97. Add advanced randomization to display a random 30, evenly presented. Hide the question with JavaScript. Do NOT force response.

  2. Set up the loop & merge based on the displayed choices in the question above. Add your images (urls) as Field 2. Do NOT check randomize.

  3. Pipe Field 2 into your questions as

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