Loop and merge customized? | XM Community
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Hey there,
I'm quite desperate as I have the following problem:
Let's say people in my survey should select out of 4 options what they use. For 2 options they could select, I want them to answer a specific question which is always the same, which i can do by loop and merge.
Which fruits do you eat?
How do you eat them?
at work
at home
For each selected fruit, I want them to ask the exact same question. The problem now is that I only want the following questions if they select Banana and/or Apple. The loop and merge should not happen if they select pineapple and/or cherries, I'm not interested how they eat it.
The problem is that loop and merge only allows for "selected" but I can't specify which ones of them. It's all 4 or nothing, but I can't say "selected" and which fruits.
Thanks in advance

Is there an unstated reason you want to use Loop & Merge here? If not, that feature is too robust for this case. Unless the scenario above is extremely simplified compared to your actual one, you can probably do what you need by using Display Logic to show the follow-up questions instead of Loop & Merge.

thank you for your answer. Yes it's simplified. I give them 10 options, 5 of them are the ones that I am interested in. In sum I have 5 thematic categories and each category will have 10 items each of which only 5 are interesting for further questions . So in sum I would need 25 questions with display logic, which I actually want to avoid.
I really do not know why you can't choose which of the selected choices you want to ask further. It doesn't seem to me like my use case is all that abitrary.

In that case I would suggest working in the Survey Flow, and setting up separate blocks for each of the 5 options that you want to ask follow-up questions about. Use Branch Logic to display each block as appropriate. That way you would only have to set up 5 logic rules instead of 25.

Hey Matthew,
I don't know if I get this right, but these 10 options are always different. I could not make 5 blocks out of it.

OK. It's hard to tell for sure without an illustration of the first question, but this sounds a little bit different, and maybe a lot more complicated, than the original example. If you haven't already, check out this support article about Using Logic in Loop & Merge Blocks. If that doesn't help, then it may be that Loop & Merge is not designed for this kind of scenario.

Hey Matthew,
thanks for your time. I could find it here, using logic based on loop and merge:
"Example: Maybe there is one question in your block that only makes sense if it applies to Brand Experience. In that case, you only display the question if Brand Experience is the current loop."
Maybe this will help other Qubies in the future 😶

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