Loop & Merge | XM Community
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Hi, I plan to present five images to each participant using the Loop & Merge to rate each picture. And after that, I want some additional feedback/comments on the first two images among a total of 5 images. How can I do this?

Ok, let's divide your question into two parts. Firstly, you would like to present five images to each participant using the loop and merge functionality. I can help you with this, but I would like you to be more specific. How many images are there in total? Will you present 5 images out of a list of many more images in a random order?
The reason why I am asking this is because if it is always the same 5 images (and the first two images are also the same always), then you will not need the loop and merge.

Thank you so much for your follow-up questions!
There will be a total of 20 Images; among them, 5 will be randomly presented to each participant. Of those 5, I want feedback on only the first two.

So, here is how I would do it without loop and merge. You can make a multiple choice question and add the 20 images as the choices. You can use choice randomization to make Qualtrics only show 5 of those choice/images in a random fashion. Then, you can create a second question where you will do carry choice forward to carry the displayed choices from your first question. You will also use choice randomization so this question only presents two choices/images.
Unfortunately, this will make it so that these two choices/images are random instead of the first two. You can probably take care of this by writing a custom JS script for the first question that automatically selects the first two choices/images.

Jdevkota ,
You can make the url of the images a loop & merge field. Then pipe the loop and merge url field into an tag in your question html (e.g.

). Randomly show 5 loops.
As long as your image rating question is on its own page, add JS to it to save the current loop number as an embedded data field:
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
Add display logic to your follow-up questions to only show them if curLoop <= 2.

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