Loop&merge for text entry | XM Community
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Hello everyone,
I created a loop&merge question which depend on the respondent's choice in the previous question (which has an option 'Other' to type in). When respondent choose 'other' without type in, the loop&merge question will appear with the term 'other'. How can I make the question won't appear if they choose other but not type in? 
I have tried 'Display logic' or the branch but it still doesn't work. 
240669026_1815111891992998_8505623357073787398_n.pngThank you so much!

This isn't a solution to the question you're asking, but you might consider selecting "Force Response" for the Text Entry Validation in the Other response option. That way no one could leave the field blank if they select Other.
If you need to allow respondents to leave the Other field blank for whatever reason, then I do not know of any way to customize the Loop & Merge functionality to disable the next question.

In addition to forcing a response, you could also create a branching validation in the survey flow so that if they select "other" and it is empty, you can branch them to ending the survey (or whatever you want the next step to be). You can see the logic below in the image. I assume you have the logic already set up so that if they do fill it in with something it takes them to the next question and pipes that text in, and if they select a different option entirely it takes them to the appropriate question. So you can just merge this logic with it.

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