Loop & merge questions on one page? | XM Community
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I'm trying to use loop & merge. I have a question that has a two column matrix (easy/hard for the listed task statements). In the next block is a text entry question with piped text and loop & merge. My goal is that for every statement that gets marked as "hard" there will be a follow up text entry question asking them what would cause the respondent trouble with the task. I managed to work out the piping so it will show one "hard" choice in each loop, but it puts each one on a separate page. Is there any way to make it show all the loops on one page? So it could be like this:
page 1: block ending in matrix question, say person chooses 3 hard items
page 2: block with loop & merge. Q: text entry hard item 1, Q: text entry hard item 2, Q: text entry hard item 3
page 3: next block in survey
rather than the way it is now, where this same portion of the survey would take 5 pages.

(I've added the accessibility tag because the reason I'm looking for this display format is tied to accessibility around motor control and repetitive stress injuries in both the survey designer and the respondent experience.)

Hi jinx ,
Is there a reason why you need to use Loop & Merge here? I'm wondering if Display Logic might be a better solution.

I suppose I could do display logic, but loop & merge seemed simpler based on the number of potential items. Even though only 20 are shown in the matrix per respondent, there're 100+ items total (the previous question shows a randomly selected 20-item set). The UI for adding display logic is pretty clunky with multiple small click targets, so doing it 100+ times for individual follow-up questions isn't very accessible for people with RSIs vs. loop & merge being one setup.
The current loop & merge is doing the function right, I just want to know if there's a js snippet or something I can add to it to display all the follow-ups on one page. Again, this is an accessibility thing -- it is not a good user experience for my respondents to have to mouse around a whole large page and load a new page every time for a single text box question when the doesn't seem to be a reason not to just display them all on one page, which makes the survey experience much nicer.

OK, I see. I'm not sure if there's a JS solution but maybe one of the developers in the Community could share. There's an inherent tradeoff between using Loop & Merge and Display Logic; L&M is easier for the programmer but not optimized in all ways for the the respondent, while Display Logic is the opposite.

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