Loop & Merge: Selected Choices and Entered Text | XM Community
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I am hoping that someone may be able to offer me some advice.
I have a matrix question with 4 scales (never, rarely, sometimes and frequently) and 11 statements (including 3 other - please specify boxes, allowing text entry).
I have set up the loop and merge for a follow up slider question several times i.e. 1) for frequently responses 2) for sometimes responses 3) rarely responses. I have also set up loop and merge for 'other' selected choices - entered text, however, this appears to duplicate with the looped questions above e.g. if they enter 'other - EXAMPLE A' and rate it as frequently, then the slider is shown twice to participants for the same response / statement (e.g. branch 1 - frequently with 'other - please specify' and branch 2 - other with the entered text).
Would anyone have any advice? Or could you point me in the direction of some websites / YouTubes that might assist? Anything I have found only addresses simple loop and merge questions.
Thank you in advance,

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