Loop & Merge under requirements | XM Community
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Hi everyone, 
I'm a complete newbie for Qualtrics, any help is appreciated. 
I'm trying to setup a survey that is for data items that belongs to 3 main categories (X,Y,Z) and then another 3 sub categories under each main category (A,B,C).
So in total aprox 360 items. 120 items per each main category (X,Y,Z) and 40 per each sub category. 
On a highlevel, I want to ensure that each individual item gets responses from 9 people. To keep it fair, the 9 items each person fills out should be equally represented from the main and sub categories. 
This would mean the 9 would be items from = 1 from XA + 1 from XB + 1 from XC + 1 from YA + 1 from YB + 1 from YC + 1 from ZA + 1 from ZB + 1 from ZC. 
How do I do this task while keeping it fair using qualtrics? Do I need to look at pairing the survey with another external server? 
I see the challenges as; 

  1. How to design the blocks to pull the data? I've been able to use the loop & merge with data pipelines. 

  2. How to make sure the survey keeps counts of the data shown already and to make sure each item gets 9 responses each? 

Thank you

If it were me, I would use web services (external server) to assign the 9 items using a least filled algorithm and track the counts.
You'll need to think about how you want to analyze and report the data - are you going to 'decode' the data on the backend or do you need each item (catgegory/sub-category combo) captured in its own data field? That will determine how you set up the loop & merge.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/46772#Comment_46772Thanks! By any chance is there any examples of the web service and how to set it up?
In data analysis, each data item has it's own unique ID. This corresponds to a master excel sheet which has the subgroups. As long as responses are collected for each item, that should be OK.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/46774#Comment_46774I posted the basics of setting up a web service here.

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