Loop & merge with different number of questions per loop | XM Community
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I have a question quite similar to what is discussed here: https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/11074/how-can-i-create-one-loop-inside-another-loop.
I am interested in asking which professional events people visited, and when they visited each of these events. The first part (which professional events) is a multiple choice question. So for example, someone could select: IT events, Engineering events and Economics events. Next, i ask how many events did they go to per profession. So, they could say 2 IT events, 3 engineering events, 4 economics events. Then, I want to ask them when they attended each event (multiple choice: Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.). So, ideally, I would like to use Loop & Merge, where I loop the professional events and then for each loop (so profession), ask when they went to the 1st event, 2nd event, 3rd event, ..., Nth event.
I managed to create the loop for each profession, but I am struggeling to tell qualtrics how many events it should ask per loop (in the above example it should ask for 2, 3 and 4). Right now, for every profession it asks as many times as the respondent selected for the first event (so in this example, it would ask for 2 events for IT, Engineering, Econ.).
Does anyone have an idea how to do this? Thanks!

In the loop and merge block, first ask question, how many { pipe loop field 1 } event they attended. Then create next question as matrix question with event 1, event 2.....,event n as statements and Jan, Feb, Mar....as scale points. Now add display logic on each statement based on the number entered in q1.

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