Make it possible to change landing page when signed in to Qualtrics to Projects | XM Community
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  • Current Problem: When I sign in, Qualtrics drops me into the current active surveys summary page. I almost always need to get to the Projects page, requiring two clicks and a wait.

  • Current Solution (if applicable): No workaround.

  • Possible Solution: Make it an option to change the sign-in landing page to choose where I want to be dropped so I don't waste time every time I login.

  • Purpose / Use Case: For many users, we are not logging in to see the latest numbers, but to work on other/new projects. Thus, repeatedly, I have to make the same two-click step to actually get to where I want. This was not how Qualtrics used to work and a choice would surely be useful for many.

Hi there, a workaround that I use is to bookmark the 'My Projects' page to my browser. When I open a new browser, selecting the bookmark takes me to the Projects page after logging in.

Thanks Tom_1842. That didn't occur to me, as I access Qualtrics by remembering the start of the URL for me (org. URL, not generic). And that approach doesn't usually offer a specific Qualtrics page. I did already have Qualtrics as a favourites on my favourites tabs but forget it is there! I'll try to use your workaround but would still like to have Qualtrics be able to go where I want to start from if possible.

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