Making Trackable link per group | XM Community
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Hi everyone, 

I have a survey that I want to send a survey to approximately 150 instructors and ask them to distribute it among their students. The survey is the same for all, but I want to be able to differentiate the responses at the level of the instructors.

I would like to avoid asking the students to write the name of their instructors as they might misspell it, and it would be a lot of work to clean the data. Also, I don’t want to create a drop-down menu for them to choose the name from (many might not know or remember the name of the instructor at the beginning of the course). Is there a way to make a unique link for each instructor without creating new copies of the survey? I just know Qualtrics makes the unique link per individual, but I don’t know if it can make per group. 


You can look into using Query Strings to create a unique link for each instructor. Assign a code for each instructor and use query strings to append it to the root survey URL. The code will be piped into the Embedded Data so you can break out the results by instructor.

Thank you very much! I will look into it. 

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