Matrix Question Custom Validation | XM Community
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Hi all, I have a matrix question with 12 statements and each statement has 3 answers, select all that apply. If they click column B and/or column C, then they must also click column A. However, they can choose not to click on any of the three columns. I tried the custom validation logic but I can't figure out how to do it there. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Assuming column A, B and C has recode values 1, 2 and 3 respectively. We can add validation as:
Statement 1 (Recode) is equal to 1,2,3 OR Statement 1 (Recode) is equal to 1,2 OR Statement 1 (Recode) is equal to 1,3 OR Statement 1 (Recode) is empty
Statement 2 (Recode) is equal to 1,2,3 OR Statement 2 (Recode) is equal to 1,2 OR Statement 2 (Recode) is equal to 1,3 OR Statement 2 (Recode) is empty

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