Matrix statement settings | XM Community

Matrix statement settings

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I am creating a survey in Hebrew and I need the statements in the matrix table question to be on the right side of the answer choices.  Does anyone know how to do that?  I was told by Qualtrics support I might be able to find the answer here.


Best answer by Appzk 7 June 2024, 12:42

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4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +28

Below setup can help:

Add the below script in question text:

.Skin .Matrix .Bipolar td.AnswerRight, .Skin .Matrix .Bipolar th.AnswerRight {

    display: none;

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Thank you for your response.  I need the statements to be on the right side only. The circled area in the screenshot below is what I need on the right side of the answer choices. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +28

Try changing the alignment of the text.

If you can share the screenshot of the final output on what you are looking for will help.

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Hi Appzk,

I got it to work!  I looked at your screenshot again and realized I didn’t set the matrix type to bipolar.  As soon as I did that it worked perfect.  Thank you so much for your help.

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