Matrix with another answer option | XM Community
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I want to give participants the possibility to say that they do not use any of these tools, seen in the picture below. How can I implement this? I thought about display logic for another question, but this would be my last option. I am open for a new question type if this would work better.

I may not understand your question. But would simply creating a third column of "I do not use this tool" work?

Yes, this would be possible. But I think it's quite demotivating for the participants. The example I've presented you is shorter than our original. Actually there are 10 options and besides file storage we have four other categories. So if people do not use a lot of these tools, they may feel demotivated and maybe even uncomfortable by clicking "I do not use it" several times, okay, can understand the demotivation factor. Perhaps you can add an instruction that says "if you don't use this tool just simply leave it blank"? Otherwise if you actually want a data point that someone doesn't use it I do think you would have to use a form of skip/display logic - which I know you want to avoid.

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