Merge Fields - Move Daata to another field? | XM Community
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I have this registration form that I emailed to the receipents. But on the same form, I made it possible to be sent to anyone with the link. So the first question will display their names based on the mail list and they have to agree that it is correct. But if the link was sent out publicly, that question is hidden. But new question will display, asking them for their first name, last name, and email.
I have been doing a lot of copying and paste - from email to receipient email field. I tried to do combine, but when I try to use the fields, there are no options for me to select recipient email, first name, and last name. So I want to find an easy to do that.
I know that I can download the data and fix it then upload it back but I don't want to risk that since it is still active and I still am getting registrations.
What I am trying to do is -
Click Field Editor (under Data & Analysis)
Create Field
Click Combine
Label the new field
Select Coalesce
As I look for field to use - Receipient firstname, lastname, or email are not found.

My current fields look like -
Recipient First Name
Recipient Last Name
Recipient Email
Your Information - First Name
Your Information - Last Name
Your Information - Email
So what I want to see is - if there is data in Your Information - First Name, then that data should be copied over to Recipient First Name. Or vice versa.
Thank you.

By doing this you can have all three data at one place. Create three embedded data and move both both data points at one place. Similarly for future respondents just pipe the answers accordingly.

That is something that I can do but I can't find the field in the field chooser for Recipient First Name, it is not there to be used. Those are pulled from the Contact list.

You can do this in the results tab, it has worked for me on multi lingual surveys that the client didn't want to use the translation feature:

Combining Fields

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