Modify how matrix table looks | XM Community
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I have two questions regarding how the matrix table looks….
The first one is regarding Matrix questions with profile format. My current questionnaire (with green background) is showing the scales as giant buttons… which I don’t prefer. When I used this format before, I recalled it was a small circle (see the question with the library background). How can I change the look of the profile matrix table to the latter appearance?
The second one is regarding how these matrix tables look in the mobile view. Currently, if I use the mobile-friendly function, all the questions will be piled up and dropped down as the participants go through them (image with green background). If I don’t use the mobile-friendly function, the matrix table is too large to fit in and the participants will need to scroll to get to the scale. Is it possible to make the matrix fit within the mobile display (see the image with the library background).

I am suspecting these differences may be related to the theme of the survey, however, the theme I am using now is required for my institute so I wouldn’t want to change it. Is there any way to fix the above questions without changing the theme too?
Thank you very much. 🙇‍♀️

ronichiu ,

The first one is regarding Matrix questions with profile format...

A 'Matrix Profile' always puts the scale points inside the buttons. To get radio buttons, you would have to change to a Likert Matrix and split it into separate questions.
The second one is regarding how these matrix tables look in the mobile view...

It is unlikely, but you might be able to fit a Likert matrix on a mobile screen if you make 'Strongly disagree', 'Neutral', and 'Strongly agree' labels instead of part of the scale points. If that doesn't work, you could also check 'Position Text Above'.
If your theme uses a 'Classic' layout, I have a JavaScript function called scaledMatrix that you might be interested in. It formats a Likert matrix like an NPS question.
Also, if the above still leaves you with issues, I have some other matrix functions (e.g., formatLikert, matrixProfileTextAbove) that you might have some interest in.

TomG Thank you very much for the suggestions. Putting the questions into separated matrices do the first thing. As for the second problem, I found the moving questions text border to the left seems to do the trick, but the text become so squashed that I need to give up this formatting. 

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