Multi Select Qn in Ticket Task Follow UP | XM Community

Multi Select Qn in Ticket Task Follow UP

  • 29 March 2024
  • 3 replies

Badge +1

I need to create two follow up questions in Ticketing task.

One main question which will be single answer and second a multi answered qn.

This qn will have options filtered based on the first qn.

Currently in ticketing task there’s only single answered and open ended qns that can be programmed.

I need a multi select qn with filters.

Thank you. Any workarounds will be helpful as well.

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hi @Benjamin_Rai The new feature that you mentioned is not available to all the users right now, in the coming time it might get fully released/launched. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +11

Hi @Benjamin_Rai,

To achieve this in Qualtrics Ticketing task, you can use a combination of single-answer questions and display logic to filter the options for the multi-select question based on the response to the first question. Here's how you can do it:

1. Add the Main Single-Answer Question: Start by adding the main single-answer question to your Ticketing task. This will be the question that determines the options available for the multi-select question.
2. Add the Multi-Select Question: Next, add the multi-select question to your Ticketing task. This will be the follow-up question that is filtered based on the response to the main question.
3. Set Up Display Logic: Configure display logic on the multi-select question to show or hide options based on the response to the main question.
   - For each option in the multi-select question, set up display logic to show the option only if the corresponding condition based on the response to the main question is met.
4. Test the Survey Flow: Preview the Ticketing task to ensure that the options in the multi-select question are filtered based on the response to the main question.

By following these steps, you can create a follow-up multi-select question in a Qualtrics Ticketing task with options filtered based on the response to a main single-answer question. This allows you to provide a tailored follow-up experience for respondents based on their initial response.

Badge +1

Hi Umang,

Thanks for the response. But Im not getting options to edit as per t]your above suggestions.

All i get is to create single choice qns.

Is there any settings that I need to do prior?. Also is the above suggestions based on the new Qualtrics Ticketing feature  “Use Qualrics Survey Editor to create follow-up qns”. Im not getting this options too in my UI. Attaching the ss. Do advice. Many thanks.


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