Multi-Value Embedded Data Fields Only Returning one of the values | XM Community
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Hi, I have a flow on one of my surveys set up to retreive embedded data fields from my diretory where the information in the directory embedded data fields is concatenated (xxx, yyy). I have set the Flow Embedded Data Field to be a Multi-value text set, but the embedded data field in the flow will only pull in the first value in the string of the Directory Embedded Data Field. It is only returning "XXX" and not "XXX, YYY".

How can I set this up to return all values in the directory embedded data field and use them as a multi-value text set?


Hi cduck! If you haven’t already, we’d recommend reviewing this support page on embedded data to help you get started. If you still have questions after reviewing the linked support page, you'll want to reach out to the Support team, as they are best equipped to help answer questions and provide support! 😁

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