Multiple choice w/ text-entry - hiding the checkbox for some entry | XM Community
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I'm trying to show a respondent an image, and respond via text entry, if the user does not recognise the image, then it requires the "none" response.
I've implemented a bit of javascript, I can make the checkbox completely dissapear, but the text dissapears with it (blurred out).
image.pngHow can I make it so only the checkbox's I've shown will hide?

Here's the code I implemented
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {
var q = jQuery("#"+this.questionId);
q.find("label").attr("style", "display:none !important");

Try including this in custom CSS in look and feel
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer>span::before {
display: none;
Hope it helps!

Hi Deepak,

Thank you for having a look, I implemented the code in custom CSS for the question and had no change unfortunately.

I believe since you said it's a checkbox you're using multi select hence, I have given it for a multiple answer hide.
You can try below code for both kinds:
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer > span::before, .Skin label.SingleAnswer > span::before {

display: none;

Also, if this doesn't work for you try changing the layout to classic and you should be good.
Hope this helps!

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