Multiple copies of one question | XM Community
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Is it possible to create multiple copies/duplicates of a particular question in one go? I have a question that needs more than 50 duplicates in the same survey because I am implementing several branches and conditions. Manually creating 50+ copies would be quite a chore :(

Thanks !

Question, will the same person answer the same question 50 times or will each person only answer that question once, just where they answer it will differ based on branching/condition?

hello wpm24,
The latter - "...each person only answer that question once, just where they answer it will differ based on branching/condition?"

Any solutions?, I should point out, I need the unique responses from each respondent and cant take an average or cumulative scores. each person will really only answer that question once, then you can simply duplicate the block that the question exists in, in the survey flow. You would then place that block at each point where you want each participant to answer it. You will still get the unique response for that question. If for some reason you have multiple questions within that block that you don't want repeated I would separate them out.

This is nice because when you export the data, all the responses will be in one column for all participants, regardless of their condition. If you created the question multiple times in a unique block each time, then participants would have missing data for any block they weren't shown. However, since you only have one block, that appears in different locations for participants, all the data is in one place with no missing values nor extra columns.

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