Multiple images from library survey | XM Community
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Hello everyone!

This is my first time using Qualtrics and I am trying to create a survey that “pulls” images from a folder in my library (97) and presents them in a random order - no repeat while each image is followed by the same 2 questions.


I could do it manually and randomize but I find it tedious to do it for 2 surveys of 97 images. I could write a script in javascript to randomize and print the pictures, but I don’t know how to use embedded data to access the images.


In conclusion, I would like to know if there is a way for me to program qualtrics to pull from a folder without me inserting graphic manually.


Thank you in advance!

The folder structure of your library is only there for your visual ease. The files stored are assinged random links, so there’s no way for you to pick images from a folder.

You could:

  1. Get the links of the all the images, put them in a csv file and paste that in your loop and merge, and then create just one question with something like <img src=”{lm://Field/1}”>
  2. Host your images somewhere else (Netlify/Github) where you can assign names and a folder structure to pull the images.


Hope this helps.


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