Multiselect question in Select box or Drop Down? | XM Community
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Hello and good morning from a sunny Sweden!

Here are two entangled questions for the same desired end state. 

So I have a long list of options (148 to be exact) where the user should be able to select one or several. 


Does anyone here know if it’s possible to have a Multiple Choice question in the Select box format also have a checkbox next to it?

So something like this: 

I know you can select several in the select box by pressing down “Ctrl”, but that is prone to error. 


Alternatively have a Drop Down with the same functionality. Or perhaps a dropdown where the selections you make pop up in a container to the side or something? 


Thanks in advance



...and just because I asked this I stumbled upon Select2 which seems to solve this for me with the basic multi select pillbox setting. 

Can anyone who have used Select2 confirm if it worked for you? 

Thanks in advance


@AmaraW  - Can you please delete this question or set it to “Answered”? I found the solution from this thread: 



Thanks in advance


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