My data column Question numbers don't match my survey Question numbers after I auto-number | XM Community
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Hi Community,
After I started testing my survey, I added a few more questions, removed a few others, etc. and then deleted all responses. I then 'auto-numbered' my questions so everything was in the proper order and number.
However, the column/variable numbers do not match the survey question numbers. For example, Q2.9 in the survey is 2.4 in my data/column/variable names. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but I do have some formula-created variables.

Thank you!

jmarc Qualtrics handles question numbers a couple of different ways. Formulas in Survey Flow rely on Question IDs, not Question numbers. The Question IDs don't change when you auto number the questions. I actually find it helpful to display the QIDs instead of the Question Numbers when I'm building a survey.

Hi jmborzick,

That is very helpful. Do you know what would happen to my formulas/calculated variables if I change the QID numbers manually? would they still work/be linked to their question, or would I have to redo all of them?

Manually changing the QIDs in your survey will not affect the formulas in your survey flow. You can go ahead and renumber those at your leisure. However, I like displaying QIDs because then I know where my formulas are pointing. If I renumber them on the survey then they wouldn't be helpful to me anymore and I could have left the original question numbers.

This is a great recommendation and has been working. So, I'll follow your lead. Thank you!

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