Need to pass data to redirect URL | XM Community
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Hi all,
I'm a bit confused by the articles I've read on passing the value of a question to the redirect URL.
I have a question QID62 (for example) that is a text question asking the respondent for the email address. I'd like to pass that value to the end of my redirect link. Like so:
This is likely very easy once you know how.
Thank you for the generosity of your time.

Hi there
I believe you need to specify the response field as an Embedded data.
So in the Survey Flow you set a new Embedded data called "Email" and you set that equal to "${e://Field/QID62}" (as per your example above).
Then you set the redirect link the same way, so "myurl?Email=${e://Field/QID62}"

Hope that helps

You can do it like this:

Thank you! This worked. I also got it to work with the following method:

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