Nesting two randomizer | XM Community
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Hi all,
I want to nest two randomizer but I do not know how it works; look at the image:
Schermata 2022-03-09 alle 15.41.31.pngI want that each participant will be randomized to one of the 5 conditions - However I want that participants that goes into condition 5: book chapter would be randomized to one of the three conditions: condition 5a, condition 5b, conditon 5c.
Assuming 15 participants this is how I want them to be distributed:
Condition 1: 3 participants
Condition 2: 3 participants
Condition 3: 3 participants
Condition 4: 3 participants
Condition 5a: 1 participant
Condition 5b: 1 participant
Condition 5c: 1 participant
It should work in the way I set the survey flow, however it seems that the block 5a,5b,5c do not get displayed. What have I done wrong?
Thank you very much!

You have two problems in your image. In both randomizers you have said you want the randomizer to randomly display "6" and "3" (respectively) to each participant. That means, each participant is seeing EVERY block. You need to change this to be 1 in each randomizer. See image below.
randomizer.PNGI would also use a branching logic of if the question that is found in condition 3 is displayed, the participant THEN is shown 3a, 3b, 3c. Instead of nested randomization.
then if.PNG
Hope this helps!

You also should make sure to select to reset the count of these randomizers before launching your survey (see more about this here in a previous comment of mine:

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