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I have a list of 24 people who each cover 5 - 8 schools. I was to create a survey that asks multiple questions to each of the 24 people. The questions will be about each of their 5 - 8 schools. All of the questions are the same for each of the 24 people. I've created the questions but I don't know how to set the survey up so that it will progress through all of the questions for each of the 5 - 8 schools, and then move to the next person and repeat the process.

Look into Loop & Merge functionality. That'll allow you to loop through each option.
Just test beforehand the reporting from the survey design since Loop & Merge is trickier to report on depending on your insight needs.

Thank you for the suggestion. I tried it and it did work, to a degree. The idea is that they will select their schools from a list. Then for each school they will select the priority, the goal, the metrics and the impact. Al lof these are multichoice with the ability for multiple answers. I used Piped Text so that the name of each school would appear when it progressed through the questions. It worked up to the Priority stage, ie., if School 1 and School 2 was selected, it rotated through School 1 priority and then progressed to School 2 priority, with each of the school names listed independently in the question. However, when it got to the 2nd stage, goals, it listed all of the school names together in the question. In other words, for example, the first question that was shown said, what is the goal of School 1, School 2. Rather than it showing 2 questions, what is the goal of School 1 and followed by, what is the goal of School 2. I tried to do a subsequent Loop & Merge at the Priority-Goal stage, however, the question number is not displayed in the options. I think that it might be due to the fact that the question that I am referring to is a result of the initial Loop & Merge?? How do I get around that?
School 1
School 2
School 3
Priority abc
Priority bcd
Priority cde
Priority abc - goal 1
Priority abc- goal 2
Priority abc - goal 3
Priority bcd - goal 1
Priority bcd - goal 2
Priority bcd - goal 3
Priority cde - goal 1
Priority cde - goal 2
Priority cde - goal 3

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