NH Institutions of Higher Ed mandated Survey | XM Community
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I'm writing to find anyone who might have a suggestion for how to handle a survey being mandated by NH of students attending NH Institutions of Higher Ed. The survey is a monster and it is unlikely many students will complete it due to it's length and poor design, though the subject matter is very important. However, this Sexual Misconduct Survey based on a national initiative called ARC 3 is due to be conducted in February 2022.
One section asks a series of 5 questions, each with 5 possible "how many times did a thing happen" answers and then needs to branch off based on a sum of three of the 5 questions, but then branch off based on a sum of 4 of those same five initial questions, then a sum of all of the same 5 initial questions. A single student could be send down all three of those branches.
I'm finding the logic impossible. If anyone is familiar with the survey -or simply dares look at it- and has suggestions, I'd be most grateful.
I've attached the word doc of the section, called Module 7 Sexual Violence Victimization, where I'm unable to work out the logic, as mentioned above.
Thanks for any help that may be out there.
Misconduct Survey MODULE 7.docx

Hi TKaletsk ,
What an intense survey, for respondent and Qualtrics user alike.
I don't know what approaches you've tried so far, but without actually sitting down and trying to program it myself, I would start by putting the "A" set of questions in one Block, and B1, B2, and B3 in three separate Blocks. The "A" set of questions should be of the Matrix Table type. Then use Display Logic in the Survey Flow to show each Block as appropriate.
The Display Logic conditions for Blocks B2 and B3 would be something like:
If A1 line 1 "0 times" Is Not Selected
A1 line 2"0 times" Is Not Selected
A1 line 3 "0 times" Is Not Selected
and so on.
The Display Logic for Block B1 is a little more complicated, but could probably be set up something like:
If A1 "0 times (count)" LT 5
A2 "0 times (count)" LT 5
A3 "0 times (count)" LT 5
And so on.
If this is too cryptic and you want to create a separate mockup of just this part of the survey and share it with me to troubleshoot the Display Logic, I'd be happy to help.

Hello, thanks for your response.
This is basically the approach I am trying.
I think I'll take you up on this offer of help, I've already started doing a mockup of this section, so yeah, I'd love to have your eyes on it once I'm "finished".
Thanks so much.


Could I share my survey with you? I've got some of the logic in but am stuck, any suggestions would be ever so useful.

I just sent you a direct message with my account username, which you can share the survey with.

Thank you so much.
I have several other balls in the air as well, and constant meetings, but I will give you that access as soon as possible and next week will be wonderful, whatever works for your schedule is great for me.
Thank you for your willingness to help.

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