Observe which randomized text question respondents were shown | XM Community
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Dear Qualtrics community,
I conducted a randomized controlled trial as part of my survey. Respondents where randomly shown one of two possible text 'questions' (just to clarify: these are simply text boxes that don't pose a question).

Analyzing this dataset, I now need to observe which of these two text 'questions' respondents observed. However, the dataset I exported from Qualtrics to an .xlsx file does not contain this information. Is there any way to retrieve it?

Thanks in advance!

I have the same problem... pls write her if you will find an answer.

I found a solution for me. If you export the data there is a field that says more options. There you can click on an option that activates the randomization in the datafile that you download. Than the randomization (Groups) can be filtered with an analytic Programm like SPSS.

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/47952#Comment_47952Do you mean the option "Export viewing order data for randomised surveys"? If I select this option, I still do not see a variable that denotes which of the two text 'questions' my respondents saw.

Yes ... Hmm but can you see a variable Question 1 and Question 2? Like that this variable exists ?

https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/comment/47957#Comment_47957Now I see the variable! It was just the final row of the Excel file rather than where you'd expect it to be based on question order. Thanks for the help!

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