Old workflow firing | XM Community
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We had a workflow set up to send an email to the user who submitted the survey. Eventually, we had to change the message contents as well as the from address, from name, and reply to email. We did not create a new workflow. We simply edited the existing one. However, now when users submit the survey, they get the old message and the new message in two separate emails. There is only one workflow set up to trigger this email and we cannot figure out why the old message is still firing separately. Any ideas to troubleshoot and just have the one new email sent out?

Hi @kmaragi,


It sounds like a bug you should address to Qualtrics support 😕


Maybe you can share your workflow tab here to help us have an idea on your issue.

Did you had a look at workflow run history?
You can investigate in here, too.

@kmaragi I think I will go to the workflow tab, trigger it and check for unwanted workflow that are running with your newone under “success execution” collumn.

If it’s not the case, go to run history an check for the JSON object of each workflow

Let me know if it helps

Thank you! I checked in the places you mentioned, but did not see the old message in there. The thought occurred to me to check the “Post-Survey” section under “Survey Options.” We actually had an email trigger set up for the old message (I don’t remember why or how this was created). I deleted this trigger and re-tested, and finally the old message did not fire. Thank you!

@kmaragi Glad to know that

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