I'm conducting a study in which participants will watch a 17-minute video on a 24-inch screen using Qualtrics. I want to create JavaScript code for an uploaded video (from the library) that will address the following issues:
- The video should appear automatically (autoplay).
- The video will continue to play in a loop until the experimenter clicks on the next button.
- The video must fit the full screen of a 24-inch monitor.
For issue 1 (and I believe also 2), I'm using this code:
htmlCopy code
<video autoplay loop=true style="pointer-events: none; width: 80%"> <source src="my video" type="video/mp4" /> Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos. </video>
I'm encountering a problem with issue 3. I tried changing the width to 100% or 1024, but it doesn't help. I'm not sure how to solve this problem. Is it related to the code itself or perhaps the browser I'm using (Chrome)? Maybe there is a better code solution I can use?
Many Thanks :)