Performance of Saved Blocks has changed to be a cause of lots of rework. How would you solve this? | XM Community
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Previously, when we did our conference in January 2022, we would import a block of questions for each session that we were doing and group those under a single block. Each time you imported the questions, they appeared on the same block that you were selecting to import to, and so we could do all the sessions for one program on one block, and the next program on the next block, and so on.
With the changing of the performance of saved blocks of questions, now what happens is that you import the block of questions and it becomes a brand new block, not the block that you selected the questions to appear in. So for a program that has say, seven sessions, it now creates seven separate blocks of questions that all need to be moved into one block, and the six other blocks have to be deleted.
Multiple that by ten programs a day with six to seven sessions in them, and we have literally hundreds of blocks that are created and need to be deleted and a ton of extra moving around which we're calculating will add hours of labor to building one conference survey.
Is there some way I'm missing to do this better to make it with less moving and deletion required? I'm going to submit a product idea for bringing the feature back, but wanted to ask in here as well to see if anyone had any ideas.

You can import the entire survey in the survey library and then choose all the questions you can add then in one block directly.
Hope it helps!

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