Personal links - Survey started but not appearing as in progress? | XM Community
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I'm experiencing an issue across all of my surveys where the personal links I generate appear to have been started, but they're not currently in progress.
If they've been started, but they're not in progress, and haven't been submitted, what is the current state of that user? Will they definitely still be able to use the link that they were originally sent?

Many thanks,


It seems like an error that these aren't appearing in "in progress" - I would contact Support to notify them and see if it's a bug they can fix. However, so long as your "allow respondents to finish later" feature is on (which is on by default), your users should still be able to use the link they were originally sent!

By any chance did you shorten the links? In my experience, shortening URLs can sometimes cause them to appear as started even if they don't show up as in progress. Otherwise I would contact support as Kate recommended.

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