Pipe only 2 random Selections into Scale Points | XM Community
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I have a multi-select question asking respondents what companies they work with. Below that, I want to ask a follow up on 3 of their selections - 2 randomly chosen from their selections and our company any time it is chosen.
I started creating embedded data fields to store the data from the first question into fields called Company1, Company2, etc. Then, I could set up randomization on the embedded fields to only choose 2. I just don't know how to ensure that it only chooses from the actual selections.
I'm thinking I'm going to need to do this all in code instead of using the randomization tool but I am definitely not JS savvy enough to write this code in the short amount of time that I have for this assignment.
Any ideas?

Ok, I found an old post by Tom that solved my problem. I totally forgot that I could use display logic on each scale point. This is resolved.

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