Piped text and embedded data do not appear in questions | XM Community
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Hi, I first set an embedded data in the survey flow: Round1WT = 120.
Then in the question, i want to pipe text:
image.pngWhy this piped text does not appear in the question? And i want to use this in the javascript. It shows the value is empty. I tried parseInt, and the value is NaN. Why is that? Thanks!!

I believe this is happening as you are setting the embedded data variable after the block.
Please ensure to move Set embedded data block at the very top of the survey.
I hope this solves your difficulties.
All the best with your project.


Please check for 2 things.

  1. Embedded data value is set before Question block is shown, so that embedded field stores 120 before getting displayed in Question text. For such fixed values, setting embedded field at the very top of survey flow should help.

  2. Check for the formatting in HTML view. I see that question text is bolded, so just make sure HTML tags created for formatting is not breaking the piping tags for embedded data

Hope it helps.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/38208#Comment_38208Thanks but i set the embedded data at the beginning of the survey flow, before all blocks.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/38241#Comment_38241Thanks, i have checked these, still NaN.

It's most probably because you are previewing the block instead of the entire survey.

It's most probably because you are previewing the block instead of the entire survey.

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