Piping text from previous loop not working | XM Community
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I have previously got great help here , so here I am enthusiastically back again 🙂 I will try to explain my issue in a simple way, but please let me know if elaboration is needed:
The questionnaire is currently as this:

Block 1, Q1 – Pick 1-10 of the following events that you can relate to

Block 2 (Looped and merged dependent on the picked choices in block 1, Q1) 
Block 2, Q1 – Name 1-3 associations to “${lm://Field/1}” (Multiple choice where text entry is allowed)
-         1 (Text entry allowed)
-         2 (Text entry allowed)
-         3 (Text entry allowed)
Page break
Block 2, Q2 – Is the association ${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} (the first named association) strong or weak?
 Block 2, Q3 - Is the association ${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} (the second named association) strong or weak?
Block 2, Q4 - Is the association ${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} (the third named association) strong or weak?
Block 3, Q1
Here I want to carry forward the associations named in Block 2, Q1. I can't make the carry forward function work, as I can only carry forward selected choices on Block 2, Q1, and I only want the answers, that is followed up by a "Strong" choice in Q2, Q3 or Q4. Thus, I have tried to use display logic and use piped text by writing:
And so on... The display logic works, but for some reason, the piping goes wrong, and the box is always empty - any suggestions as to why this happens?

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