Platform Capabilities and Switching to Qualtrics | XM Community
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Hi everyone! I hope I'm not stepping on any toes here. I'm very unfamiliar with Qualtrics and new to the community and I hope this is the right place for a question like this.
I'm not asking for for code, or any in-depth tutorials on the method, I just want to know how feasible it is to use a specific procedure in Qualtrics! I am a research assistant at a psychology lab, and we're thinking of switching platforms for our studies. However, I've hard a hard time telling if and how you can do the following:
Phase 1: 10 Cues are presented in a random order for participants to recall related event memories - if they fail to recall an event in ~90 seconds, the cue is skipped (and subsequent phases get slightly shorter)
Phase 2: Those 10 event memories are presented in a random order. For each event memory, the participant selects the date the event occurred (skipping trials where the participant timed out)
Phase 3: The 10 event memories are presented in another random order. Each event memory is rated on a number of 1-5 scales, the order of which is randomized between-subject (skipping trials where the participant timed out)
So, is it possible to randomize the order in which piped text/embedded data is presented during repeated trials, skipping trials where a participant timed out?
Thanks for taking a look at this question; hope you are all having a good morning/afternoon/evening!

Phase 1 - Yes, you can easily randomise the order in which questions are shown and on each one you can put a timer (either hidden or visable) which auto-advances once the time is up. 
Phase 2 - I believe this should be doable. You should be able to say "If response is not empty then show" and pipe their text next to a box where they can enter a date. 
Phase 3 - Same method as phase 2 but piping the responses into a ranking question instead of next to text boxes. This will work. 
If you need any help on setting up the above then someone on the community will definitely be able to help if you choose to use Qualtrics! I think you'll enjoy it for what you need though. 
Hope you're having a good morning/afternoon/evening too :)

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