Presenting a subset of questions in a set order while everything else is randomized | XM Community
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Hi all!
I have a set of questionnaires I want to present randomly within a block (visualised below). I know I can do this with the Question Randomization function, but I have a requirement I'm not sure how to get around.
Mostly, each questionnaire corresponds to one question in the block on Qualtrics (eg. Questionnaire 1 and 2). However, I have a questionnaire that involves multiple questions (eg. Questionnaire 3). I'm looking for a way for these questions to be always presented together in the same order even as all the questions within the block are randomized. In other words, I'm wondering if it's possible for Questionnaire 3a and 3b to be presented together while having Questionnaires 1, 2 and 3 randomized. The position of Questionnaire 3 does not have to be fixed within the block, but wherever Questionnaire 3 is, the items in Questionnaire 3 should always be presented together.
Another alternative is to group the questions in Questionnaire 3 such that they can fit in one Qualtrics question. However, the answer options for Questionnaire 3a and 3b are different, so I'm not sure if I can do that.
Would love any leads, thank you!
Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 2.42.51 PM.png

Hi jo_, I have a similar issue with my questionnaire. Did you manage to find a solution?

Qualtrics doesn't have a built-in way to do this. You could have Qualtrics randomize all the questions, then use JS to move Q3b after Q3a.

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